
Roulette has claimed many a loser for a vast amount of years it has been in existence, and over the hundreds of years men have tried to better the game by creating their own strategy to beat the numbers. The thing is you can never know what will happen on a roulette table so while some strategies have helped people with developing a game plan to win money from the game, there will never be a definitive strategy that will help you beat the game every night.

The Martingale betting system is known as one of the most popular betting strategies in casinos. Its basic principle was first introduced to the world 300 years ago by French mathematician - Paul Pierre Levy - and is all based around the martingale probability theory. Most often used by players for repeating even-money outside roulette, it a very popular system.

There are several different variations but the most commonly used technique is the classic Martingale system. The focus of this technique is to double up the next bet after each loss and to reduce it to the initial amount after each win. Eventually the probability is that your win will cover the cost of the losses from the previous bets. The issue with using this strategy is that the player can quickly make up the table limit due to continuous losses as is it not a rare occurrence when playing on a losing streak.

Another variation of this is the Grand Martingale system which adds even greater number growth of bets. The idea here is for the player to double the bet and add one more unit onto the doubled amount. Again, the issue here is that, like the classic system, the player can reach the table limit very quickly after a constant streak of losses. If the streak of losses is broken by a win the net gain is always the initial bet plus one unit, but not only the initial bet like when using the classic Martingale, so there is more of a risk of losing money but also more to gain.

There is also the Reverse Martingale system which is basically the classic system, but rather than relying on losing streaks you're relying on a series of wins. The idea is that you double your bet after each win rather than a loss and then if you push your luck too much and come across a loss you'll go back to the initial net amount you put down.